/mirrorhours Command
Description: Manage mirror hours notifications.
/mirrorhours on - Enables mirror hours notifications in the current channel.
/mirrorhours off - Disables mirror hours notifications for the server.
Feedback: Confirmation message with status (enabled/disabled) and relevant details.
/setup Command
Description: Configure the bot settings for your guild.
Usage: /setup [statuschannel] [staffrole]
statuschannel: Select the channel for status updates.
staffrole: Choose the role designated for staff members.
Feedback: Confirmation message with details of the configured settings.
/announce Command
Description: Send a custom announcement to a specified channel.
Usage: /announce [input] [category]
input: Type your announcement message.
category: Choose the category (info/warning/danger) for the announcement.
Feedback: A confirmation message stating the announcement was sent.
/avatar Command
Description: Display a user's avatar or your own.
Usage: /avatar [utilisateur]
utilisateur: Optional. Select a user to view their avatar. If not specified, shows your avatar.
Feedback: An embed with the user's avatar and a link to the full-size image.
/citation Command
Description: Manage citations.
/citation add [text] - Add a new citation.
/citation show [id] - Show a specific citation by ID.
/citation random - Show a random citation.
/citation list [username] [page] - List all citations from a user.
Feedback: Displays the citation or a list of citations based on the command used.
/clear Command
Description: Clears messages from a channel.
Usage: /clear [count] [user]
count: Number of messages to delete (1-100).
user: Optional. Filter messages by a specific user.
Feedback: An embed confirming the number of messages cleared.
/info Command
Description: Display server information.
Usage: /info
Feedback: An embed with detailed server information including roles, member count, and
/antispam Command
Description: Manages antispam settings for a channel.
/antispam on - Enables antispam in the current channel.
/antispam off - Disables antispam in the current channel.
Feedback: A confirmation message with the current antispam setting status.
/ban Command
Description: Ban a user.
Usage: /ban [user] [duration] [reason]
user: The user to ban.
duration: Optional. Duration of the ban (0 for permanent).
reason: Optional. Reason for the ban.
Feedback: An embed confirming the ban or an error message in case of failure.
/kick Command
Description: Kick a user from the server.
Usage: /kick [user] [reason]
user: The user to kick.
reason: Optional. Reason for the kick.
Feedback: An embed confirming the kick or an error message if unsuccessful.
/mute Command
Description: Mute a user in the server.
Usage: /mute [utilisateur]
utilisateur: The user to mute.
Feedback: An embed indicating the mute status of the user.
/userinfo Command
Description: Display information about a user.
Usage: /userinfo [target]
target: Optional. The user to get information about. Defaults to yourself if not specified.
Feedback: An embed with detailed user information.
/getip Command
Description: Retrieve IP information.
Usage: /getip [ip]
ip: The IP address to process.
Feedback: An embed with IP information or an error message if the process fails.
/nmap Command
Description: Run an Nmap scan on a target.
Usage: /nmap [target]
target: The IP or URL to scan.
Feedback: Results of the Nmap scan or an error message if the scan fails.